KNOLL high pressure systems serve as suppliers for machine tools such as machining centers and turning machines. High pressure pumps provide the correct supply-pipe pressure for the different consumers.
The pressure booster DHS serves to supply machine tools with cooling lubricant. For this, low and/or high pressure pump(s) increase the supply pressure of a central plant. They supply all consumers of a machine tool with the necessary quantity of cooling lubricant. Examples are internally cooled tools and flushing.
Pressure booster DHS
The KNOLL high pressure unit LubiCool®-L is a compact high pressure unit for machine tools, particulary for small and medium machining centers and lathes. The system cleans the CL and provides the machine with high pressure.
High pressure unit LubiCool®-L
The KNOLL high pressure unit LubiCool®-M is a mobile high pressure unit for machine tools, particulary fixed- and sliding headstock automatic lathes. The system cleans the CL and provides the machine with high pressure.
High pressure unit LubiCool®-M
KNOLL's LubiCool®-S high-pressure unit is designed for mobile use with machine tools in machining processes, particularly automatic lathes with a fixed/sliding headstock. The unit is used to clean the cooling lubricant and to supply the machine with high pressure.
High pressure unit LubiCool®-S